Tuesday, January 09, 2007Y
1/09/2007 10:36:00 AM
Pressies from Li Tatt after his Taiwan Trip~!

a Winnie The Pooh
(obviously, this is suppose to be Jia's coz she's a BIG POOH FAN)

how big izit??:
Super duper tiny!and it works!!!
Twist the vender and wollah~!
super tiny balls will come rolling down~~~

AND: IT'S OPENABLE! (dunno whether there's such word or not)

elegant and meaningful
the chinese characters "zi zai" means "free"

Drip some aroma therapy into the pendant
and it'll be like carrying a nice nice bottle of perfume when wearing this pretty necklace^^
cute jelly perfume.
there are sea shells in it~!

And it has just been one day since I reach Malaiysia and pimples are popping out from my face already!!!! ARGHHHHHH...
stupid あつい (atsui= HOT) whether!

f.y.i.: LEarning only 2 months of nihon go didn't really help me out in communicating with those japs. They freaking talk very fast leh! Maybe it's bcoz of the way I dressed, almost every nihon-jin (japanese) i met spoke to me in nihon-go~! And then I'll go like, "huh?..."
*speechless* I tell you. Super embarrassing man!

So at all times, Li Jia must be beside me to help me out while me at a side nodding and nodding my head.(you know, nodding head CONTINUOUSLY with a sweet smile is what Japs do while talking) *___*

AND my whole body is itching like mad~!!!!
Dee says it's bcoz of coming from cold whether to hot whether and the skin starts to contract and stuff like that >___<



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