Thursday, January 18, 2007Y
1/18/2007 05:10:00 PM
Well, since there is no class for tomorrow, I am gonna continue to blog about my Japan trip^~^Same old picture-not-arranged-properly-blog.
Basically, there was a very miserable amount of snow when we reached there coz it had been raining for days which melted all those fluffy snow which caused the "family course" to be closed in the area. So, those know and DON'T KNOW how to ski, snow board, short-ski, whatsoever, ALL just went all the way UP to the "professional course"!
Yeah, so there we go, went right to the peak of the mountain to snow board!!
Then I was thinking, 'by the sports-lover who was once an athlete, that won't be a big deal for me. In fact, it will be more exciting~!'
No doubt, I was really excited~! First time snow-boarding ever! (not to forget me skied for only a short 2 hours during the Korea trip in year 2002.)
Upon arrival, I quickly set myself, wore the big fat boots and clinged it towards the snow board and happily went off with my first glide~
then, "wHamp, whamp* wHAMP"
At first I console myself, beginners does mistakes!
then the falling-down just never stops! shit....
Until at one point I really thought of giving up>__<...
all set for the snow~
Wrong spelling!yummy-est おにぎりwith the fish egg~!
See? Miserable amount of snow!k, i still love it though.
Green and white.. what a perfect match!Shivering man! Gotta keep worm with the ちいさい lamp=.="

finally everyone's ready!
Biggest con i've ever seen!

Waiting to have a ride in the High speed lift!

so sick of falling down!!!
So, I decided to enjoy the snow flakes instead
and pose for some pix
Balancing myself.
One more thing, I used the word "すみません” and ”ごめなさい” ("sumimasen" and "gomenasai") the most times in my life during this snow board trip.
Enough for the first day! Last pix before leaving Myoto~

See the words on the far right?
おみやげ=omiyage = souveniers
lots of cute stuff to be found in the shop! all APPLES!
Biggest butter bread i've ever seen. Costs only 400 yen! Which is RM12 after converting =__="It tasted extraordinaryly yummy with the snow flakes. XD
Wonder what I am holding?
err....male and female....???
get what i mean??
Apple Kit Kat!tastes eeiwwingly sweet. *cough*
yummy dinner. For japs, every person will have their own serving which ends up 6 to 7 dishes to a person. Poor workers, their kitchen must be piled up with hundreds of dishes at the end of the day!

The second day didn't turn out to be better. It started snowing but still not enough snow for the "family course" to be opened. So, same old going right up to the "professional course"!

Fluffy snow~

freakin exhausted!!!
fLuffy fLuffy SnOw as my pillow~
Until my snow hat is all covered with snow!
ha~! Look real cute^~^
holding the "nuan nuan bao" to keep worm. learnt the "nuan nuan bao" slang when i was in Taiwan. haaa...sounds cute too~

raw fish with some strends of ramen and soy sauce with wasabiyuck~
They had this preserved animal in the motel
We don't look that alike afterall!
LiJia; "muahaha~!" *seducive*

That night, it started to snow heavily!

SNOWING compared to the first day:CAn you see the distinct difference?!
white white white and fluffy!

The "family course" is finally open!

blowing kisses to you~
"Give way people!"
However, the falling still never stops!
still a looong way to goooo
This way?
Or this way is cooler?=__+"ookay...Jia's the coolest.

The First day:

All the roads are covered with snoW!Sick of walking.
I then decided to just slide down~!

still an AWESOME RIDE though!

haha..can you feel the flow peeps?

more and more snow!!!

The snow man is wearing all my belongings >___<...
We went to the 温泉 on the last day. That's my very first time to bathe naked with other people! Of course, female and male have their own area. (WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!)
Was a very great experience, had our shower and soak ourselves in the 温泉. That was only the beginning, wait till I blog about Yunessun Spa:

That's me on the right, trying to drink the wine.

And finally when me and sis start to bathe with our doors widely open. XD...
So, talking about Japanese hot chicks, I've seen most of them NAKED! For the boys, don't envy ya...XP

We snow boarded there, Myoko Suginohara!
Drinking lots of diaries such as milk and yogurt drink to get back our minerals after soaking in the 温泉
They have these vending machines in every 100 metres. So don't worry that you'll get dehydrated in Japan!

The last meal was very interesting. The orange thingy on the right is raw Salmon, beef on the frying pan....for the others, i've forgotten=="Can you feel the love?
Group photo!

Keeping wam~~
So loving~
miss all of them!

Time to leave. T___T
sign of 'Li Yin was here~!'
Lots of hotties down there!
Taken via the bus window. Got potential to be a Paparazzi...:P

all the Koala Bears are different in every piece!
haaa...didn't realise that did you? :Pおいしいですね~!
super cool けいたい!Just twist it and you can watch the series which you have been watching.
The tv wave is just EVERYWHERE! So no doubt that you'll see those Japs meddling with their handsets all day long~
After the 7 hours bus ride, we are finally back to Tokyo.
Which set do you prefer?
(all of these are fake, but they look really real!)
Beautifully decorated!
Udon and Raw tuna.
Udon in Japan tastes the same everywhere!!!-__-"
yummy chicken

More to blog soon~! Gotta rush those mountain high assignments first.
Building Construction II, Building Services I, Construction Law....ARGH!!


  • At January 25, 2007 at 12:38 AM, Blogger Joan said…

    Hi, you were the blog that came up when I clicked Next Blog on mine. I loved checking out your Japan ski trip. I live in VT/USA near a ski resort so all the photos looked like home to me.

    Good luck with school! Looks like a tough semester. I had no idea English is so widely used in MY.


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