Tuesday, November 27, 2007Y
11/27/2007 04:38:00 PM
Happy Birthday Li Yang~!!

The Yang in the family. Yes, there are Yin and Yang in my family,and maybe in the future Yin&Yang Architecture Firm !?!!.. (Joking on this one=.=")..

My youngest bro has turned 14!! AHH!! Teenagers going through puberty and all, I'll miss his cute cute voice :'(.. And wahlao, he's so freakin strong right now I ain't competent for him no more!

I used to bully him but now, *mehhhhh*.. Got bullied back instead #_#"

Went to TAO cuisine again for birthday celebration:

on the way..

With the boys and butter fish. Forgotten the Jap name but what the heck it tastes bloody yummelicious i tell you!

the succulent steak and dee~

Scallop that day was freakin big!

I got it from my papa. haha!
the "passion" of photo-taking~! :P

Presentation yesterday was quite an experience, although I was the LAST of the LAST to present! @_@"..imagine the anxiety seeing my pals presenting for a few hours before getting to present! (thx Joe for your wish and faith!! xoxo)

My presentation corner.

Ah Jin dead after architorture.

The rocker studio peeps :D

Sieu theng's blue eyes i want!!

the girls

posers :O

if you're not proud of your own work,
who will be?

Watched Beowulf movie and we were like,
"@_@, ANIMATION !!??!"

Extra pedas Crispy popiah before coming back to Penang.

Extra hot which made everybody go "sssss!! oohhhh!!"

Alvin and Kid was my crit. And surprisingly Kid still remembers my design for my house X last semester and said I have this style since studio I.. I hope it's a good thing, having my own "signature"..LOL.. And Alvin said that I can be a good designer, but not an architect yet; I have the end product but don't know how to get there. (?!!) But don't care la, it's still a compliment to me since I'm still a year 2 architecture student in studio II....

Optimistic, that's the word. :P


Finally the end of the torturous sem 4.
Torturous it may be but still, memorable :)

Oh yea, if my parents weren't to go to NZ this Friday, I might be off to HongKong with the forever-"hong-soh"-Li Jia.

Crazy?! YES!! Spontaneous decision always makes life more INTERESTING~!! Air Asia to Macau and Jia will meet me in HongKong from Japan. UGGHH! I can already imagine if the plan is on.

All the adventure...............


=.=.. No it's not gonna happen.

Piano craze currently :P

Thx Pecky and Sheng Hao for the trip back to BM ^_^



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