Sunday, January 14, 2007Y
1/14/2007 09:38:00 AM

As mentioned earlier, XinYun and JiinHerng came over to wet around KL. Upon arrival, both of them were like, "omg, li yin, your place........." *speechless*
they still gave me that disgust reaction although i've told them over and over, "my place is in a very *serious condition". Hope you get what i mean. =.="

can you get a clear picture of it already?

xinyun and jiinherng always say the way i dress is very "lao ee".
see this pic?
I think they took a picture of this blouse i bought from cambodia to prove to joe how "lao ee" i am.
Anyway, earlier that day, after SQUEEZING our luggages in the frigging SMALLLL lockers (they are real small k! Compared to the ones in Japan, they are really miserable) provided in KL sentral, off we go to MidValley to meet up with the X-JIT SIN STUDENTS! XinYun, JiinHerng, Wei Shen, Yang Tee, Cong Hong and my beloved Liang Liang were the ones~!
As it was lunch time when we reached MidValley, Liang suggested to have pizza~!
Surprisingly, Cong Hong, the "aeroplane king" showed up after we had our lunch. Lucky him, we left "some"(left-overs) for him and created a "lunch with love":
This is basically how it looked:

A slice of Hawaiian Seafood, a cup of Coke, a piece of bread stick, a bowl of mushroom soup, and a sotong snack~! All arranged nicely by Wei Shen on a pizza pan*.
^~^, ain't it lovely?
XinYun and Jiinherng went shopping until they are finally exhausted at 7pm and all of us had dinner at McD. The dinner was quite fun, x-jit sin students talk! We started recalling interesting events that happened during those school days. ~memorable~
Times Square was the next day's destination. Two sapos wanted to continue their "mission" which is SHOPPING. Since I wasn't in a mood for shopping for now after lots of shoppings done with my sis in Japan, I just hung around with Liang Liang.^-^

Ate Liang's favorite chicken cordon bleu.

yummy chocolate brownies!
We thought that Lee Hom's coming to TimeSquare:

But actually it was just a concert ticket selling session. :(

snapped some pix while waiting. XP..

Liang prefers Francisco's coffee rather than Starbucks and Coffeebean.

Had this yummy for supper during the last night of their stay:

As you can see, my place is still as messy!
I've gotta start tidying now since they are back already. Anyway, miss you gurls!

At January 15, 2007 at 10:24 PM,
Joe-Lene said…
salute!!! u win..!! cant imagine that it's so messy until like that.. hahaha.. hope u clean it up earlier la.. is that all ur things? or ur housemates too? scary, know? haha..i'm waiting for the pix from jh n xy. will b more clear of ur messy house later..haha. seems like both of them really very fun in kl hoh..and met up with conghong so pity here :( haha...
take care oo.. missssss~
see ya.
At January 16, 2007 at 5:13 PM,
~LiYinism~ said…
thought you salute wat..
if not mistaken, those are my things :P..
not scary lah, feels like home mah...^~^
dont worry, this cny can meet up with all of us ade!!
you take care too
At January 18, 2007 at 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
r u left smtg out there?
dat's not juz messy k?
dat's dirty too!!!
n it's dust eveliwhere!
d laz nite we stayed there, she took d big bear which hav dust n hug hug it all d nite, while me, who has nose allergy, start sniffin for an hour b4 i can success get into slip bcuz slip bside her which got lotz of dust from her bear bear!
i hate euuu....!
but d laz nite we stayed there is v fun rite?!
u r so shyt, gurl, take video ven i not notice abt it!
n jherng lagi gai...said wan put it up in d friendster video, kill u ar!
gonna visit ur home again...prob at june when we holiday!
great time in kL we had
At January 18, 2007 at 5:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
d pizza pic for conghong is v nice
y u din upload d 2 pic i snapped ven u r both walkin in front me n jherng!
it's cute rite!?
walk walk walk at d first pic
n turn around at d 2nd pic
At January 18, 2007 at 6:10 PM,
~LiYinism~ said…
sneeze sneeze sneeze~!!!!
ya, the video!!!!
did you show joe?!\
about the 2 pix, gonna upload later lah^-^
see you here on June!
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