Tuesday, February 05, 2008Y
2/05/2008 10:10:00 AM
Finally a video of me playing
Bumble Bee \(^0^)/

Many mistakes though :S
Lack of practice that's why >_<".

How How?? HOw izit?? :D


Busy preparing for CNY since it's just 2 days away, or should I say 1 day? @_@" which eventually made me chuck my assignments to a side =___+"

CNY cookies.

The chucked-to-a-side-assignments.

But this environment is much more conducive wakalukong compared to my room back in Mentari where there's no natural ventilation nor sunlight what the heck man.
Summore when you do homework here there'll be someone helping you to snap some pix how fun :)

Hehe, posing posing for some pix as if I "AM" doing assignments *_*"

Pineapples for CNY.
"ong lai" = 旺来 ;)


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